
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

persuasive argument

Persuasive argument.
Tuesday 25

Dear everyone, humans big, small, old and young.
We need to make a change. Our planet’s on fire and we can't have that. We need to cherish this land that we have and we need to protect it with every cell and molecule in our body. If we keep this up we won't have a planet to protect and live on i don't know if you notested but mars does not have the following:
A ocean.
An atmosphere.
Air to breath.
Animals in general!
Yes I  am aware that there is traces of water or there was water on mars at some point
So dear 2045. If you see this we are sorry. We most likely were not fast enough and you are probably living on mars. Does the current generation know what a polar bear is? Do they know what a tiger is?
I am very sorry to say that most likely we would run out of time to completely change the world but i have a solution. We eat the homeless people.  Now you might be asking why the homeless people? Well I was just about to tell you. If we start eating the homeless then that will fix:
Overpopulation (but not for the longest time)
And hunger.
We can feed the homeless people to the staring and when we run out of homeless people we can eat teenagers. The hormones in teens will keep you looking young and live longer. We could also make it illegal to have children to a point.

That's my argument, thank you and goodbye. ✌️


  1. I like the way you approach problems. It's important to consider novel answers even if they are "yucky".
    I have some questions for you.
    Is it ethical to eat people? What if your sister was homeless? Would that make a difference to how you view homeless people?
    How does your solution fix the environmental problem?
    If we start eating people who will do the work to keep societies going?
    Is the over-population of our planet the major cause of our environmental issues?
    Is it fair to 'punish' homeless people by eating them when they were the least responsible for the environmental issues?
    What kind of people most often end up homeless?
    Do homeless people have value outside of being a food source?
    What are some things we can do now that aren't so extreme?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on these questions.

  2. Hi Jeneva, I do agree we have a global problem but I think eating homeless people won’t help much. I think we need to turn the problem on it’s head and if eating people is how we agree to solve the overcrowding issue I think we should start eating the Kardashians and mega rich first :))
    May the 4th be with you all day today.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If we ate the rich where would the money go? Also if we ate the kardashians it would be like eating a plastic bag. Thanks for your comment!


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