
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

persuasive argument

Persuasive argument.
Tuesday 25

Dear everyone, humans big, small, old and young.
We need to make a change. Our planet’s on fire and we can't have that. We need to cherish this land that we have and we need to protect it with every cell and molecule in our body. If we keep this up we won't have a planet to protect and live on i don't know if you notested but mars does not have the following:
A ocean.
An atmosphere.
Air to breath.
Animals in general!
Yes I  am aware that there is traces of water or there was water on mars at some point
So dear 2045. If you see this we are sorry. We most likely were not fast enough and you are probably living on mars. Does the current generation know what a polar bear is? Do they know what a tiger is?
I am very sorry to say that most likely we would run out of time to completely change the world but i have a solution. We eat the homeless people.  Now you might be asking why the homeless people? Well I was just about to tell you. If we start eating the homeless then that will fix:
Overpopulation (but not for the longest time)
And hunger.
We can feed the homeless people to the staring and when we run out of homeless people we can eat teenagers. The hormones in teens will keep you looking young and live longer. We could also make it illegal to have children to a point.

That's my argument, thank you and goodbye. ✌️

Monday, February 24, 2020

Pascall lumps snifters reveiw!

Hello my friends! tall, short, girl, boys, non-binary and my other queerlings! today i am writing a reveiw for pascall snifters lumps! it includes why i love them and why. here it is!

I absolutely love love love the new snifter lumps. They are immaculate and delicious if you know me then you would know how to make me do things. Offer me food, extra points if it's minty or just candy in general. I love how they are chewy and stick to your teeth but i know some people don't. I have a massive sweet tooth. They feel soft on the outside but as you bite down it becomes hard and chewy. The chocolate smells like a chocolate bunny you would get on a fresh icy easters morning. I absolutely recommend snifters to anyone who loves mint chocolate. Overall I give them 20 lollipops out of 10.

well that is all from me. and if someone from pascall is reading this, please sponser me and send me more to revew (email me at ∩_∩)

Friday, February 14, 2020

What I know now?

Over the past few days I and others (the other people wo didnt bring there togs and have to stay inside) have been practicing working groups trough dance. 

We had learnt things like:

What it takes to work in a group.
What not to do in a group.
That it is harder to work in a larger group then a smaller group.

Here is a explanation to all of those. 

What it takes work ing a group:
It takes alot to work in a group there things you have to take in consideration. Like communication, coarditation and mainly... Team work of course! Its also good to be humble (being humble is to lower your statis blow your team members)

Here is what not to do in a group: 

You dont want to be bossy, even if you are the leader you still want to not let that phase you. You should always be humble.

Here is why its harder to work in a larger group.

If you are in a larger group then its harder to hear everyones ideas, coordonate and overall function.

Well thats all from me! have a good day, night and life!

my 100 word storys!

Hello my loveleys! this blog is ging to be for me to share my 100 word story's. this will often be updated with new story's.

The lost Civilization
Tuesday 18
This story is from what is estimated as far back to 1230. After 3 years of decoding we finally were able to find out about it! Hello my name preslie summers i am a scientist at [CLASSIFIED] labs. It is now 2034 we first found out about this civilization in 2020. The first find was just a skeleton but It baffled all of us here for you to see the skeleton wasn't like us.. No it was like an animal but lots of the bones and the way they laid suggested that it walked on two legs like a human...

Red door yellow door...
Tuesday 13
If you are unaware of this ritual then take this as a warning… This is all a test of your fears and how scary your imagination could be. Red door yellow door whatever colour door red door yellow door what colour do you see? It starts. I see a tall blue door similar to my front door. Enter it. I did, what's in there? A person, neither man nor woman, it was facing away. Go closer to it. I walked closer, it was pitch black with nothing on its face, suddenly two almost circular glowing white egg shaped eyes appeared...

The day I found my soul.
Friday 11

It was december, 1989. The roads were icey but the snow was shoveled off. I was driving in my little old station wagon, who am I you may ask…. My name is Jay Neumann. I am a lab assistant at Snobbys Hospital and Lab (or SHL for short). It was a hard day, but I won’t get into details. As I was driving I saw a blue glow. I swerved to a stop and quickly hopped out looking for it. There it was the glowing blue orb hiding amongst the winter trees it whispered ‘’Come closer Jay.’’ so I did…