
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

lets learn...

i made this screencastify teaching you to work out dividing by %10
heres the vidio :)

my science week 1+2

at school we are doing science, we can do a lot of things from very complicated making of concrete to the easiest of rubber eggs. what i have so far!
i figured out all of the amounts for everything so if you want to do it your self you can!

You will need:
50ml 20% hydrogen peroxide
30ml Dish soap
10ml Potassium iodide
A (90-100ml glass) container
Plastic to cover the table or a plastic tray
safety goggles
(optional) food colouring

What to do:
1. put your hydrogen peroxide into your container.
2. add your dish soap.
3. if you want add food colouring.
4. add your potassium iodide and step back!

have fun!