
Friday, October 30, 2020


 Reasons why it is good to have manners in a classroom. 

Hello today I am going to be displaying why it is important to have manners in the classroom and why it is essential. 

One of the main reasoning is that would wouldnt have to write a stupid six hundred word essay about why you have to have manners just because a few people were annoying though, just like the american police force, one bad apple spoils the bunch. 

Being rude is still not nice though the world is a cruel place and people need to learn to be nice but also the teachers and making a bunch of soft pushovers. A good example of a pushover is an employee who is getting f---ed over by their boss(es) and just won't quit or stay against them but then again there is that fear of getting fired because they might need to feed a family or pay bills. I wrote a small argument about how putting up a fight is good in some cases and I will quote a paragraph from it here “To fight could also be to argue or to physically hurt someone. Fight: “take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.” “struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent.”. The world is cruel and sometimes you have to fight to prevent yourself from being used. If you don't fight back then people will take advantage of you so basically, you don't want to be a pushover (a person who is easy to overcome or influence). If people see that you are an easy target they will use that to their advantage.” 

That is the end of my small rant about putting up a fight, I will now talk about respect. Respect can earn you trust and trust is a good thing because then you can take advantage of that person's trust for you. You could easily ruin that person but making them have trust issues and never be able to trust anyone and therefore not be able to find love because they can not trust anyone. On the flip side you could keep that trust and make it strong. Think of trust like a wall, the maore trust someone has with you the higher and more stable it gets. You lying to that person could be a small stick of dynamite planted on your side of the wall where they can not see. Secrets can be like more little sticks of dynamite that a person can not see and if that person finds a crack in the wall and sees all those lies and secrets the wall will be blown up and all that trust is lost. 

Manners could also build up trust and also just make people feel better and then you start a domino chain of people feeling good or you could stop a domino chain of people feeling bad. Manners can include you complimenting someone, picking up your trash after you, saying please and thank you, accepting your own mistakes and not passing the blame onto someone else. Another example of manners is not fighting fire with fire. Fight fire with calmness and water (unless its an oil fire, water will just make it more intense and you will burn your house down) 

I guess that is all I have to say about this subject. Be nice everyone and stop being little brats and actually say thanks to your mom if she makes you lunch, breakfast, dinner or just does anything  for you.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Should cell phones be allowed in class?

 I honestly think that we should. Music can help people focus on the task they are doing. Though they should only be allowed at break times and silent reading. Cellular phones are a big part of lots of peoples lives. They can give information  or store it for later, you could easily use a phone for note taking at any time  but, there are certain times where a cellular phone should not be used. Some examples of this are at maths time  and during lockdowns. If a child has their phone out during these times they should be taken away. Though cellular phones could be used with mal-intent. Kids, let alone kids on the internet, are ruthless when it comes to bullying. But overall, I think that cellular phones SHOULD be allowed in class and school. I hereby declare this case, closed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

School uniforms should be optinal.

Hello. For literacy I have been working on persuasive writing.  What I am sharing with you today is a response to ‘’School uniforms should be optional’’

I absolutely think that it should. As a child grows up the parents will need to buy new uniforms consisting of tops, pants, jackets and anything else. Looking at our own rawhiti uniform it costs $49.90 for a polar fleece, $29.90 for a shirt and $31.00 for shorts or a skort, $40.00 for a pair of pants and $12.50 for a sun hat. Imagine, a single parent has a child who needs to go to school. The parent is struggling to get by  and now they need to buy a uniform. They don't want to make the child feel bad for existing so the parent does all they can to make the child happy. The parent works their a-- off every day just to make the child happy, well dressed and well fed. They eat way less just to make sure the child has a proper feed. Imagine how much easier it would be if that parent did not need to buy a uniform. Also the parent would need to buy the uniform multiple times as the child grows up and then the senior jacket is $74 - $100, luckily though it's optional to buy. Overall I think that uniforms should be optional.